Report from the Zofinger Tagblatt from June 21, 2007:

News in the case of 13-year-old Sandra, who does not want to go to Brazil , but instead wants to stay with her father in Switzerland: The girl's wish will most likely come true. “The ten-day complaint period expired on Monday. “So far we have no knowledge that the opposing party wants to take the case to the Federal Court,” said Helmut Baldauf, father of the girl, who goes by the pseudonym Sandra. “If nothing really happens now, then I will apply for custody again,” Baldauf continued. Because: Because the mother, who lives in Brazil , still has custody of Sandra, the father is only allowed to see the girl on two weekends a month. “I know that the mother will not voluntarily give up custody.” He is preparing for a long journey: “I have to take everything into account.” The “Helft Sandra” association has now even been founded to fight for the rights of girls. The primary purpose of a donation account is to cover the girl's horrendous legal fees as well as her father's. Any surplus should go to the Tipit association, which was strongly committed to ensuring that Sandra remained in Switzerland. (SPI)