How a 6-year-old girl got to see her dad again after months with the help of VeV... A wonderful success story.

September 2011

Yesterday afternoon, at 2:00 p.m., a mother and a father, almost hopelessly at odds, met at the guardianship office in Zurich City.
The orphans' council and the support wanted to give up because the mutual accusations didn't want to end and none of the parties showed themselves willing to compromise.
The authorities would have had no choice but to remove the father from the child because the mother no longer wanted any contact with the father. Only the legal representative of the guardianship authority and the representative of the VeV (who was asked to help by the child's father) did not want to give up the little girl. Ultimately, it should keep a mother and a father in the future, despite arguments. After 3 3/4 hours, the two parties agreed on a visit plan with rights and responsibilities for both sides. After weeks, the girl can now see her father again and the VeV representative takes over the support of the father and mother to ensure that they both have a contact person at all times and to ensure that the little girl is safe with her mother as well as with her Daddy is always happy.

Conclusion: The authorities have admitted that they are powerless and are all the more happy that the VeV exists. We can all be proud of the VeV, its constructive attitude and its members. But especially the 6-year-old girl, who, after more than 6 years of arguments between mom and dad, now has one last chance to grow up with both parents.