Call for participation in a FHNW study.

As part of a study, the FHNW (University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland) is looking for children aged 10 and over and parents who would like to take part in a short survey.
We are happy to share this call.

How do children, young people and parents actually experience this?
We are looking for children and parents to take part in our online survey!

What? With our research we would like to find out what experiences children, young people and parents have in child protection proceedings at the KESB. How do you experience the child protection process? Can you contribute your perspective? Is their opinion taken into account? Are you satisfied with the process and the decisions?

Who? Children aged 10 and over and young people as well as parents who have been in child protection proceedings with the KESB in the last two years.

Important! Parents of younger children can also take part. Children (aged 10 and over) and young people can also take part if their parents do not want to fill out the questionnaire themselves. These are proceedings at the KESB (family court in some cantons) – other civil law proceedings are not the focus. The questionnaire is not about the background of the child protection procedure, for example problems in the family.

How? It takes about ten minutes to fill out.

Children/young people click here

Parents click here

Further information:

Do you have questions? Dr. Brigitte Müller, Institute for Child and Youth Welfare, University of Social Work FHNW, will be happy to answer this!

Thank you for taking part in our study!