In the case of 12-year-old Sonia, the Zurich District Court has now decided that the girl should be deported. She is to be torn from her father's family here in Switzerland and deported to Nigeria to live with her 89-year-old grandfather.

Her father has already appealed against this verdict, so Sonia can still be here. Nevertheless, the girl understandably fears for her future.

Once again, the Swiss courts show no heart, no insight and stubbornly insist on fulfilling certain obligations. Shouldn’t the well-being of our children be our top priority? Shouldn't all other considerations take second place to these considerations?

Read here what the VeV thinks about it!

The Rundschau reported on Sonja yesterday.
The newspaper 20 Minuten also reports on this case today

Over the past few months, we at VeV have repeatedly campaigned for children who were threatened with deportation or repatriation. We are of the opinion that in these cases the authorities and courts far too often act on strange considerations instead of considering the child's best interests as the top priority. This attitude is often encountered in divorce judgments. There is a growing suspicion that the state does not have the child's well-being in mind, but primarily and first and foremost the state coffers. Or should the Zurich district court's bowing down to immigration policy be understood as such, so soon after the elections?

The VeV wrote an open letter to the Zurich State Chancellery.