Dieter Glättli

Every child has the right to equal contact with their parents, father and mother. Therefore, my goal is to stand up for the well-being of the entire family and for the rights of the children, to conduct my consultations in such a way that the children, who are not allowed to have a say depending on their age, are given due consideration in the separation solution and that no wedge is created between. This separation/divorce solution is called “alternating custody”, where the children are 50% with their father and 50% with their mother. For all three parties involved, the children, the mother and the father, new paths should open up to achieve more happiness or more satisfaction.

The material solution should be designed in such a way that it enables both parents and the children to make a satisfactory living in the new living situation.

Finding a separation/divorce agreement through VeV advice can make a significant contribution to ensuring that the transition into the new phase of life can be carried out peacefully, without arguments and in a cost-saving manner and that the money goes to the family fund instead of legal and court costs. »

Contact Dieter Glättli