As it became known today, the Aargau Higher Court tried to secretly remove Sandra from the country last Thursday. It was only thanks to the bitter resistance of the 13-year-old girl that they finally got away from it.

Switzerland current from May 14, 2007
Tele M1 from May 13, 2007    Tele M1 from May 14, 2007
Aargauer Zeitung from May 13, 2007    Aargauer Zeitung from May 14, 2007 

In today's communiqué, the higher court is based on a report from the Winterthur Hospital. There Sandra was certified that she was fine and not suicidal.

However, in a report by Schweiz Aktuell, the hospital's responsible expert immediately denied this. The report was drawn up at the time when Sandra was living in the foster family in eastern Switzerland.

It is becoming increasingly clear that the higher court and the responsible authorities in Rheinfelden have made a hopeless mistake and are now trying by all means possible to cover up their mistakes.

Denying a child contact with their closest caregivers for several days and keeping them in solitary confinement is inhumane and violates all human rights.