Der Spiegel – May 26, 2009

Late satisfaction: After two years behind bars, a 55-year-old has now been acquitted of allegations of sexual abuse against his daughter. It was said that the girl made up the allegations. Now the father is being compensated – eleven euros per day of imprisonment served.

Now the young woman revised her statement. She was a burden on her father because she didn't want to spend her weekends with him after her parents divorced.

The sexual abuse never occurred. The court therefore overturned the judgment from the first instance.

The small consolation: The court awarded the 55-year-old eleven euros per day compensation for the two prisoners who had already served their sentences - just over 8,000 euros.

During the proceedings, the Waldshut-Tiengen regional court interviewed, among other things, a psychologist who specializes in statements from witnesses and victims.

He said that there are always made-up crimes and allegations that are unfounded. Psychological problems are often the cause. In this specific case, the parents' divorce put a strain on the girl.

She also experienced sexual violence. However, not from the father, but from other men. Not only the man's defense attorney, but also the public prosecutor spoke out in favor of the acquittal.URL:,1518,626941,

VeV comment

As much as this man is to be honored that he is finally allowed to leave prison, this verdict does not change the scandalous fact that he was previously convicted. Convicted based on the testimony of one person. Condemned to be innocently imprisoned, socially ostracized, job-worn and rejected by his own family.

Because all of these are the consequences that such an accusation and subsequent conviction lead to.

This example shows how quickly a person's life can be destroyed. How much, especially men, have one foot in prison, even if they are not guilty of anything at all.

In this case, the daughter herself was the cause of the accusation. It remains unclear whether any instigation by the mother in connection with the divorce proceedings was the cause.

We experience this approach again and again in our practice, and it always results in an immense advantage for the claiming party in parallel divorce proceedings, at the expense of the defendant party.

This is a legal scandal! It is important to stop this approach as quickly and clearly as possible.

Authorities and courts are required to find the necessary instruments to put an end to the abuse.

Here people are destroyed for no reason, connections between children and their fathers are deliberately broken, children and fathers are made into mental cripples, all with the aim of gaining an advantage for themselves.
This behavior is absolutely abhorrent, not only from the parents involved (mostly mothers) but also from their lawyers!

And – it reduces the credibility of those who are true victims of abuse but who are in danger of being lost in the mass of false accusations.

This means that the real victims are punished a second time!