We warmly recommend the following candidates for election to the National Council. Our recommendation is based on personal experiences with the people mentioned, as well as on the analysis of their previous work and/or forays into family law.

You can choose people by variegating (writing their name on any list, preferably twice), or by cumulating (listing their name on the list a second time, by crossing out another name). Of course, you can also simply insert the respective list.



Oliver Hunziker
CVP Aargau, list 4a

Jean-Daniel Strub
SP Zurich, list 2

Stefan Müller-Altermatt
CVP Solothurn, list 2

Computer scientist, department head
President VeV Switzerland
President GeCoBi
President ZwüscheHalt
Board of Directors Pro Familia

Managing director, ethicist,
vice president of menschen.ch

Councilor, Mayor of Herbetswil




Has been fighting for joint custody, fair maintenance law, alternating custody and quality assurance in child protection for 15 years.
Cantonally, nationally and internationally networked family politician

Men and fathers want to take responsibility for their children - the law should enable them to do that!

Both parents for all children!

As Vice President of männen.ch, I am committed to a genuine equality policy that ensures equal pay and helps parental leave become a reality in Switzerland. For present fathers and committed men.

I want a Parliament that no longer thinks that two weeks of paternity leave is a progressive solution.

Fathers who can no longer see their children are going through hell. This must be prevented.