That's the headline in the Tagesanzeiger.
Behind it is an article about an incredible story. Michèle Binswanger tells the story of a father who is no longer allowed to see his children. Unfortunately it's not an isolated case per se, but the circumstances in this family are very special.

Unfortunately, this is an example of how once decisions have been made, they are stuck with. Unfortunately, this is also an example of how one-sided certain members of the authorities act, how little understanding is shown to the other parent, and - there is no other way to put it - how unprofessionally the approach was and still is here.

And the result? Have we protected the best interests of the child? Hardly likely. The overriding principle of child welfare may actually have received little attention here.

Unfortunately this is not an isolated case at all, we know of a number of similar cases. That is why the VeV has long been calling for quality controls and uniform standards from authorities and courts, from legal advisors and other specialist bodies involved. This is the only way to ensure that such stories become a thing of the past.

Read Michèle Binswanger's article in the Tagesanzeiger here