A success-story

How a 6-year-old girl got to see her dad again after months with the help of VeV... A wonderful success story. September 2011 Yesterday afternoon, 2:00 p.m., a mother and a father met at the...

Bye Elena

A sad but unfortunately true story. Today at 10 a.m. little Elena (3 years old) was handed over to her mother. Elena had been living with her dad in her father's house ZwüscheHalt since the end of November. There the two sought distance from the tensions at home and the...

Now it is time

Aargau: Swiss children involuntarily taken to Brazil The phone rang at VeV at 2 a.m. last night. It was the father of the two boys, Christian and Cassio Scherrer. Completely distraught, he reported that his two boys were already in Brazil! What...