After a day's delay I was able to watch the film.

I'm still completely shaken. I have been dealing with these topics for 15 years.
I saw hundreds of fathers and mothers, saw how they suffered and experienced first hand how hopeless their commitment to their children remained. I have seen authorities completely fail or simply be helpless. We finally have to start taking a closer look. Alienation is simply child abuse, there is nothing to sugarcoat it.
Parents who do something like this, consciously or unconsciously, must be made clear about it and, if it happens again, they must also be sanctioned. Authorities must develop clear guidelines on how to proceed in such cases. Early, rapid intervention is one of the key elements, and clear positions from the responsible authorities are another. It is unacceptable that we continue to expose children to such unspeakable situations for another 20 years without taking some form of action.
Our children deserve the state to position itself here. I will continue to work at all levels to create better conditions here so that future generations no longer have to go through these sad experiences.

Both parents for all children!
Oliver Hunziker
VeV Switzerland

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