Hitting, biting, punching, kicking

Die Weltwoche, January 20, 2010. By Franziska K. MüllerUp to fifty percent of all domestic attacks are caused by women. The destructiveness has no consequences because the men prefer to hide their role as victims. And...

Brutal Brünhilden

Michèle Binswanger on Tuesday, September 15, 2009 in the Tages-Anzeiger In the event of a conflict, men are sometimes unfairly stigmatized as perpetrators! In the past four weeks, five women in Switzerland have become murderers. In...

“Female violence is trivialized”

Tages-Anzeiger e-edition from February 18, 2009 / Lorenz SchmidMen are hardly noticed as victims of domestic violence. Some even make allegations on Tagesanzeiger.ch against the authorities of not being taken seriously as victims...

Beating women have to take a course

Baselland launches pilot project against domestic violence specifically for women Basler Zeitung; November 24, 2008, Michael Rockenbach According to statistics, women are becoming more and more violent. Baselland is the first canton to respond to this trend with a new...