The final film version with the personal greetings from affected parents is here.

A few weeks ago we presented the film here in its original rough version.
This was accompanied by a call for affected parents to reach out with personal greetings.
Numerous parents did this and the filmmaker Andreas Wunderlich has now incorporated these wishes and greetings into the final version of the clip. The result is a very personal and touching film document for Christmas.

Children need both parents – link to the film page

The film project raises awareness of the problem and also offers affected parents the opportunity to send a symbolic, virtual greeting to their children.

The topic of parent-child alienation is still very taboo, but is nevertheless increasingly coming into public consciousness as the number of cases increases.

Whether intention, ignorance or other circumstances are responsible in the individual case ultimately makes no difference to the children and parents affected; the fact that contact breaks off is a tragedy that unfortunately happens far too often unnoticed by the public.

Authorities and courts often appear powerless and at a loss in such situations. With reference to the best interests of the child, it is often argued that the child's will must be protected even if it arose through influence, which then leads to these situations.

For years we have been committed to finding effective instruments and to sensitizing the relevant authorities to the problem.

True to the guiding principle of the VeV: Children need both parents – even after separation/divorce