Now it is time!

Tonight at 2 a.m. the phone rang at VeV.
It was the father of the two boys, Christian and Cassio Scherrer. Completely distraught, he reported that his two boys were already in Brazil!
What happened?


Current: Tele M1 from September 9, 2007

Tele M1 from August 20, 2007    
DRS1 Regional Journal from August 31, 2007 
Tele M1 from September 4, 07
Tele M1 from September 5, 07 
AZ from September 5, 07
View from September 6, 07
20 minutes from September 6, 07
20 minutes from September 7, 2007

After the extremely questionable police operation last Tuesday, in which the boys were finally handed over to their mother, contact with the father was almost completely lost. The majority of the children were shielded and were only able to have a total of two short telephone conversations with their father, with whom they had lived for the last two years. In both conversations, the children confirmed their desire to stay here and, if necessary, to defend themselves against leaving. Of course, this attitude of the children did not go unnoticed by their mother.

In direct discussions with the responsible Bremgartn court, the children's father tried to at least get a farewell at the airport. He was assured of this and promised to instruct his mother accordingly. However, it can be assumed that this promise was never fulfilled.

On Friday, Christian Scherrer (the father) assumed that his children would fly out on Tuesday evening and that he would be given a time window of around 2-3 hours to say goodbye.

Last night the shocking news: The children are already in Brazil. Apparently mother and children took off from Zurich at 12:15 yesterday afternoon and landed in Brazil around midnight.

Christian Scherrer suspects that his children did not go voluntarily; he assumes that the children were kept quiet. This assumption is supported by a statement made by Christian Junior to a close relative, to whom he said that he "fell asleep in the car and only woke up again in Brazil."

This statement, of course, feeds speculation and raises the suspicion that not everything went smoothly during this departure.
It may have been clear after the difficulties with the 13-year-old girl a few weeks ago that measures needed to be taken to avoid similar incidents. Children desperately fighting at the entrance to the plane are an unpleasant thing. The VeV medical officer consulted confirms that appropriate medication options certainly exist. According to him, children of this age can be immobilized very easily. If this happened in this case, it would be an unparalleled scandal!

We therefore call on the authorities involved to immediately clarify the circumstances of this departure, also in the interest of their own credibility.

From the children's perspective, we consider the events of the past few days to be traumatic. First the long fear of the police, then the raid-like police operation in the middle of the night, then the quasi-captivity in shady surroundings and finally, practically, a kidnapping to Brazil. According to the VeV medical examiner, all of this within a few days leads to enormous stress and can also have long-term consequences for the child's development.

It may be that the mother is legally in the right in this case, but morally she is definitely in the wrong.
It's possible that the mother won - the only thing that's certain is that the children lost!