Exactly 10 years ago, on February 11, 2011, the SchickEnStei launched. This was in response to the announcement by the then Justice Minister Simonetta Sommaruga to significantly delay the introduction of shared parental custody as a rule.

The associations that formed the umbrella organization GeCoBi did not agree with this and decided to send a clear signal.

The SchickEnStei campaign was extremely successful. Over 1,500 paving stones were ordered for the Federal Councilor, each neatly packaged individually and accompanied by a personal letter.

On Valentine's Day, February 14, 2011, the first 400 stones left our production for the Federal Palace.
On the same day, GeCoBi presented the associations' demands at a media conference in Bern and announced vigils in front of the Federal Palace to emphasize the demands.

On the same day, Federal Councilor Sommaruga met with the representatives of the organizations present and promised to quickly hold joint discussions to advance the issue.

Read today's media release from the umbrella organization GeCoBi on the anniversary here