The VeV offers parents who are affected by separation or divorce help in dealing with their situation. The focus of the VeV is on the situation of the children affected. Our goal is to improve the overall situation in the interests of the children and also to focus on the social structure of the families (grandparents, godparents, etc.).

We offer
• Professional support and help for self-help.
• Free initial consultation via telephone hotline.
• Free initial advice for those affected.
• Exchange of experiences through regional advisory meetings.
• Second opinion on detailed questions.

We support
• Optimization of processes in the event of separation/divorce.
• Avoiding errors, for example in procedural questions.
• Differentiation between factual and emotional aspects.
• Placement of specialists.

We provide, for a fee
, • detailed advice
• support when dealing with authorities (in individual cases).
• Support in exercising the right to contact.


We want to
• Strengthen the position of children in separation/divorce.
• Children have equal relationships with both parents.
• Equality between fathers and mothers.
• Mediation as a solution approach.
• Work in networks with authorities and specialists.

We are
• On the side of the children.
• Open to fathers and mothers.
• Basic and low-threshold.
• Non-profit.
Donations tax-exempt. • A non-profit organization.
• Politically and religiously neutral.

Our commitments
• Founding member GeCoBi umbrella organization for shared parenthood
• Founding organization ZwüscheHalt Men's and Fathers' House
• Active member of Pro Familia Switzerland


  1. Welcome
  2. >
  3. We stand for that