History of the VeV

Since mid-1992, fathers who have experienced separation and divorce have met regularly in northwestern Switzerland to exchange their experiences and look together for ways to improve the difficult situation for themselves and their children. Shortly afterwards, the first association was founded in Münchenstein (BL) under the name VeV - “Responsibly Raising Fathers”. Shortly afterwards, the club name was expanded to include “Mothers” and thus acquired the form that is still valid today.

In March 1994, the Zurich section was founded in Zurich, and from then on the founding cell in Baselland operated under the name “Section Northwestern Switzerland”.
The Bern/Solothurn section was also created at practically the same time.

At the end of January 1998, the “VeV Region Aargau” section was created in Brugg (AG) and in 2004 the last independent VeV “Central Switzerland Section” was founded in Lucerne.

At the AGM in March 2008, the three existing regional associations merged to form VeV Switzerland with a total of 250 members.
The club has come together under the modernized appearance with a new logo since 2007 in order to continue working towards its goals with combined forces.