

An overview of VeV's current networks with other organizations:

GeCoBi - Swiss Association for Shared Parenthood

From 2005 onwards, VeV was the driving force in the creation of the umbrella organization GeCoBi, which was founded in 2008.
Since its founding, VeV has also provided the umbrella organization's president, Oliver Hunziker

Pro Familia Switzerland
VeV has been an active member of the family association Pro Familia since 2011.
VeV President Oliver Hunziker has been a board member of Pro Familia since the end of 2017.

BSV Federal Social Insurance Office
Since 2016, VeV Switzerland has received financial aid from the “Family Organizations” loan from the Federal Social Insurance Office BSV.

Men's and Fathers' House ZwüscheHalt
was founded in 2009 by VeV in the canton of Aargau and has been an independent organization since 2014.
The ZwüscheHalt offers men in difficult family situations with or without their children protection, retreat and time for a new beginning.

Single mothers and fathers Zurich (AMVZH)
For us, single parent is a collective term that consists of parents who actually provide 100% of their children alone, whether care or financially, but it also includes 50%-50% carers, and mothers and fathers who can or are only allowed to see their children every two weeks. This also includes all of us who sadly have to fight to be able to see our children again.

Single mothers and fathers Lucerne
We are an association by and for single parents in the city of Lucerne.
His area of ​​activity extends throughout Central Switzerland. Our members are single mothers and fathers. Being a single parent can arise for various reasons. Be it after a separation, a stroke of fate or other circumstances. As different as the reasons for this are, the consequences can be similar: “single parenting… as diverse as life”. The overarching goal of the association is to help yourself, in the community and in exchange with those similarly affected.

IGQK interest group for quality in child protection
The IG strives for a practice oriented towards the basic needs and rights of children.
She wants to create opportunities, occasions and vessels that allow different disciplinary and professional logics to come into conversation with one another. We want to bring together the various institutions and organizations that are intertwined in child protection from the perspective of further development and quality assurance. VeV President Oliver Hunziker is a member of the IGQK.

SVA – Swiss Association of Alimony Specialists
The aim is to professionalize the work in alimony assistance through targeted provision of information, exchange of experiences and the promotion of training and further education.
VeV President Oliver Hunziker is a member of the SVA.

for european fathers PEF 16 European organizations founded this Europe-wide platform in 2011. For Switzerland, the VeV is there, represented by André Müller.

Dual Residence Working Group
The pan-European Dual Residence Working Group began its work in 2011. It is the leading platform in German-speaking countries for the implementation of alternating custody as a care model after separation or divorce. The VeV is a founding member and is in regular contact with the other members.

ICSP International Council on Shared Parenting
International association of scientists, experts and representatives of civil society.
The aim is to investigate and disseminate scientific and practical findings on alternating care.
VeV President Oliver Hunziker has been Vice President of the organization since ICSP was founded in 2014 and represents civil societies.

In addition, the VeV works more or less closely with a wide variety of specialist departments in various areas. A non-exhaustive list of these specialist departments:

  • AJB – Office for Youth and Career Advice, Zurich, Parent Education Canton of Zurich
  • BJ – Federal Office of Justice
  • Office for Equal Opportunities, Bern and various cantonal equal opportunities offices
  • CROP – Coordination romands des organizations paternelles, mannschafft, Zurich, IGM, AGNA
  • Parenting Foundation – Fritz and Fränzi
  • Child Protection Foundation
  • Children's Advocate Switzerland
  • KOKES – Conference for Child and Adult Protection
  • Regional churches of Aargau, Bern and Zurich
  • Mannebüro Zurich, Agredis Lucerne
  • Mothers and fathers advice SMV
  • Victim advice center, Aargau / Solothurn, victim advice center, Zurich
  • Pro Juventute
  • Rainbow Families umbrella organization
  • Umbrella Association of Judges' Association
  • SVAMV – Association of Single Mothers and Fathers
  • VafK – fathers’ departure for children, Germany
  • VABB – Association of Aargau Professional Counselors

As well as selectively with other organizations and people.