Further training to become a GeCoBi separation counselor

The GeCoBi umbrella organization's further training has existed for 10 years and has been carried out by VeV Switzerland since 2017.
A 16-day specialist event for people who want to specialize in this professional field. Our speakers are highly qualified and have years of experience in their respective areas of expertise. The further training itself is regularly checked and adapted to the requirements. Modules are changed again and again to take thematic developments into account.

All VeV separation counselors have completed further training in the last few years.

Check out the continuing education website . If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the course secretariat atweiterbildung@vev.ch .

Continuing education

Start of the next training separation counselor on September 13, 2024

  1. Welcome
  2. >
  3. Further training separation counselor