Your donation helps us

Your donation helps us to do our work better and increase our effectiveness.

Like many other organizations, the VeV is a voluntary association.
Neither the board nor other bodies receive income for their work in VeV. Nevertheless, an association like the VeV is dependent on funds in order to be able to finance its activities. This includes, among other things, the operation of the telephone hotline, the maintenance of the website, the sending of newsletters by email or letter, the organization and implementation of the monthly consultation meetings, the procurement of advertising materials such as brochures, banners, banners, etc. Of course, the implementation of lectures , rallies and other events.
Not to forget the political work in the cantons and municipalities, which is often associated with costs. In order to make the club more effective and to further expand the offering in the future, we continue to rely on funds.

Since the VeV is recognized by the tax authorities as a non-profit organization, you can also deduct your donation from your taxes.

Thank you very much for your interest and support.



Raiffeisenbank Villmergen
IBAN CH07 8080 8007 4446 7092 3
VeV Switzerland
5200 Brugg